Tonight I am wondering on why my recent “SineWave Residual Modulation” might be useful and I think it has something to do with “trust” or… more enigmatically stated: “shared language”. Supersampling a sinusoidal signal and finding a steady signal in the residuals could be a way to encrypt information. Any swath of spacetime where the lower-frequency timing signal would be detectable would have access to the key, and messages on higher-frequencies could be decrypted using that key. The supersampling frequency would be the same as the new recieving frequency.
But also maybe I am having some confusion about how the antenna systems work. I am trying to read about “Software Defined Radio” but still struggling with some concepts.
An antenna (or perhaps more accurately, an RF Frontend) is designed to pick up ((and/or?) transmit) a specific frequency. At this selected frequency a signal is detected and can be captured as a time-series. The processing I am referring to takes place within a detected periodic signal within this time-series. It is confusing to describe but I think a lower-frequency pattern can be transmitted in a higher-frequency medium. Imagine tuning to a radio station and hearing a single tone. But then within this tone would be tiny variations between each wave period. These variations could be processed using the methods from my previous post and the message found as sampled at the frequency of the analog-to-digital converter.
The frequency of the A2D converter could then be used as a broadcast frequency on which to broadcast messages encrypted by the message found on the original radio station.
We can imagine a system of “major stations” with the power to broadcast & recieve widely a signal, and “minor stations” which operate more locally.
A “Major station” signal can act as decoding key for minor station signals.
low freq message can be used to encrypt higher freq messages.
multi-frequency stations input higher-freq messages and choose to continue outputting current message or begin rebroadcasting message from higher-freq transmitting neighbor.
So here we have a “trustless” ham radio encryption system? Little stations can speak to each other while blessed by the wider transmission. Stations outside of the spacetime covered by the major station will only be able to understand other minor stations if they have memory of the major station transmission.